Dr. Auerbach | Privatpraxis für individuelle Augendiagnostik
Email: info@augenarzt-auerbach.de Stresemannstraße 19 68165 Mannheim
Öffnungszeiten: Montag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag: 9:00-17:00 Uhr Samstag: 10:00-16:00 Uhr(Nicht jeden Samstag geöffnet)
Nahe gelegene Parkmöglichkeiten finden sich in der Tiefgarage am Rosengarten. (gegen Gebühr)
Erreichbarkeit mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln: Haltestelle Mannheim Rosengarten: RNV-Linien: 2, 5, 5A Haltestelle Nationaltheater: RNV-Linie 1,2,7 Bus-Linien 4, 45, 53
Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich unsere Praxis im 1. Stock ohne Aufzug befindet.
Jessica Ariadna Carmona Hernandez, F.E.B.O
Fachärztin für Augenheilkunde
Sprachen: Spanisch, Deutsch, Englisch
Practical experience in Germany and Mexico:
* Employed doctor, private practice for individual eye diagnostics Dr. Auerbach in Mannheim
* Since 04/19 employed surgical specialist in ophthalmology, Rhein-Neckar Eye Center/ Lindenhof Surgical Center, Dr. med. Udo Sassenroth & colleagues
* 02/16 – 09/18 employed surgical doctor or specialist in ophthalmology (partly as a training assistant) AOZ Eye-OP Center + Practice Heidelberg, Dr. med. Rainer Volz & colleagues
* 10/11 – 09/14 Senior physician, Department of Corneal and Anterior Segment Surgery, Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación, Mexico City, Mexico
* 07/11 – 10/11 “Senior Ophthalmologist, High volume Cataract-Surgeon”, SalaUno, Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, Mexico
* 03/11 – 07/11 Senior physician, Department of Corneal and Refractive Surgery, Fundación Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Luz, Mexico City, Mexico
* 03/10 – 02/11 Fellow in Corneal and Refractive Surgery, Fundación Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Luz, Mexico City, Mexico
* 03/09 – 02/10 Fellow in Microsurgery of the Anterior Segment of the Eye, Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación, Mexico City, Mexico
* 03/11 – 10/14 Private practice in own practice parallel to clinical work, State of Mexico, Mexico
* 05/17 European Board of Ophthalmology Diploma Examination (F.E.B.O.) 2017, Paris, France
* 04/17 Specialist in ophthalmology (District Medical Association of North Baden, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg)
* 11/15 License to practice medicine, state examination at the University Hospital Freiburg i. B. (Regional Council of Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg)
* 06/09 Specialist in ophthalmology (Mexico)
* 03/06 – 02/09 Assistant doctor in ophthalmology, Asociación Para Evitar la Ceguera en México, Hospital Dr. Luis Sánchez Bulnes. Mexico City, Mexico
* 03/05 – 02/06 Research assistant in the Department of Cornea and Corneal Diseases, Asociación Para Evitar la Ceguera en México, Hospital Dr. Luis Sánchez Bulnes, Mexico City, Mexico
* 04/05 Medical license
* 02/05 Medical certification
* 02/04 – 01/05 Social year, Teotihuacan, State of Mexico, Mexico
* 1999-04 Medical studies. Degree “Licentiate in Medicine”, Universidad Anáhuac del Norte, State of Mexico, Mexico